Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Words (almost) fail me

There is a site on the internet which goes under the name of Socialist Unity. Contained within it is this piece of writing on the current crisis in Iran. I don't know who Socialist Unity are, neither do I know anything about the piece's author, John Wight. Perhaps my fellow blogger Frank can enlighten me.

First of all, a very condensed summary of the article:
  • Ahmadinejad supports the poor peasants and the working class, and is anti-imperialist. Mousavi represents the middle class and is supported by the west.
  • The protesters are from the privileged middle class and have no support outside of Tehran or amongst the working class.
  • The Iranian regime deserves some mild criticism in the area of women's rights, for example, but this only causes minor problems. "No democracy is without its imperfections".
  • The Iraqi communists were wrong to co-operate with the American occupation (so by implication the current challenge to the Iranian government is organised by the West).
  • The left should therefore support Ahmadinejad and Khamenei.
I really can't bring myself to relate any more of this drivel, if you don't believe me, or you want to confirm that it is even worse than this, follow the link above.

All right then, just one quote:
Furthermore, while women in the US and Britain can stand for election, even sit at the heads of their respective governments, the reality is that both of the aforementioned nations have been responsible for depriving women throughout the Middle East and beyond of a far more fundamental right – namely the right not to be slaughtered or see their families slaughtered in the cause of ‘freedom’ and ‘democracy’.
No mention of course of the slaughter of Iranian women by their own government over the past few days. Perhaps Mr Wight believes the claims of the Iranian government that Neda Soltan's murder was organised by the expelled BBC journalist Jon Leyne so that he could make a documentary.

And perhaps, in Mr Wight's world, the unfortunate demonstrators who were paraded on Iranian state television yesterday, stating that the BBC and Voice of America made them "riot", were telling the truth rather than saying anything and everything they were told to say in order to avoid another beating, or worse.

Even the so called facts in the piece (no demonstrations outside Tehran, no support from the unions etc) are easily refutable by anyone who has enough independence of mind to carry out their own google search.

This is the old, old "anti-imperialist at all costs" refrain of so much of the left, taken to absurd and inhuman lengths. With friends like Mr Wight, the left destroys itself and abandons what little influence it has in the post-Thatcher/Reagan world. (And if Mr Wight's swivel-eyed amoral philosophy, of ends justifying means, gives us any indication of how a regime containing people like him might behave, that might be a good thing.)

Comments below his post rightly ask if he would have supported Hitler on the basis that the Nazis were challenging the established imperial powers.

Freedom of speech and freedom of assembly are hard-won rights which Mr Wight enjoys to his own advantage and well-being (I doubt that the Obama or Brown militia will be battering down his door tonight, although if they did... no, let's not go there). Yet he would deny these same rights to Iranians, they should subjugate themselves to their oppressors in the name of anti-imperialism.

But even in terms of his own argument, he is completely wrong. Freedom of speech, freedom to organise, freedom of assembly, freedom to strike, these are demands supported by every socialist revolutionary throughout the ages. This does not change just because the President of the United States of America now calls for these things - that is a victory, for all but the most blinkered sectarian ultra-left.

Perhaps the reality is that Mr Wight has given up hope, perhaps he really believes that western capitalism has already won, and he just needs to assuage his guilt at having been born in a liberal democracy. No matter, for him, that price of the regimes he ends up supporting can be calculated in the blood of ordinary people.

Fuck off Mr Wight.

1 comment:

  1. John Wight's got form.

    if you want to understand him, use google with the additional terms: international Jewry
